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“Don’t guess, assess”


3D Elite Performance uses technology to take the guesswork out of strength training.  You don't need a one-size-fits-all workout plan that caters to all athletes and guesses about their needs.  Our thorough assessment, using advanced technology, captures all of the necessary information to provide a detailed glimpse of you as an athlete.  Only then can we deliver the proper, individualized program that will give you the best roadmap to gaining strength while increasing your mobility and stability as well.  Every athlete is built differently, so every athlete’s strength training program should be built differently.

Weight Lifting

Training includes:

  • A full assessment to understand you as an athlete, including a 30-point checklist to get a clear picture of your needs and establish a baseline profile

  • The assessment uses advanced technology to screen for joint mobility, force production, and peak power output

  • Periodic re-assessments to track your progress and make any needed adjustments to your training program

  • Use of scientifically proven strength training principles such as contrast training to increase post activation potentiation (PAP), non-linear periodization for program development, and velocity based training (VBT) to properly program the weight and reps in your training program to achieve the best results

The training program will:


  • Minimize injury risk by pinpointing any areas of soreness or pain and then targeting the surrounding areas as well as correcting muscular imbalances that can lead to injury

  • Increase power and force production

  • Increase joint mobility and stability to make the athlete more efficient and explosive in their movement

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  • Digital goniometer - measures joint mobility and range of motion in the elbow, shoulder, hips, knees, and ankles to see if mobility is a limiting factor in athletic development

  • ActivForce Digital dynamometer - measures force output in different muscle groups to check if there is a muscular system that is lacking and leading to compensation elsewhere

  • Push Band - measures peak power output among other things to help us know the proper volume of weight to prescribe in your training

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